Chocolate Bread Ring | 巧克力面包圈

Chocolate Bread Ring 巧克力面包圈

A beautiful, dreamy, delicious bread! This is one of my family's favourite bread, it finished once it out from the oven. A yummy chocolate bread with full of dark chocolate filling inside, a bread that definitely bring you joy and happiness! Follow my easy recipe and simple steps, with bread maker, you could easily make a beautiful and delicious bread at home. 好梦幻,好漂亮,好美味的巧克力面包哦!每次烤这款面包,家人都好开心,一下下就吃完了。香香的可可面包,包着浓浓的黑巧克力,保证吃了幸福感满满!简单的食谱,简单的步骤,只要有面包机,不用吃力的手揉,在家你也可以做出好吃又好看的面包。

【Bread Maker Recipe | 面包机食谱】

Doug 面团 Cold Water 冷水 (~5°C) 170g High Protein Flour 高筋面粉 230g Coco Powder 可可粉 20g Milk Powder 奶粉 15g Butter 奶油 25g Sugar 糖 30g Salt 盐 2.5g (~1/2 tsp) Instant Yeast 即溶酵母 2.5g (~1 tsp) Filling 馅料 Chocolate Slice 巧克力片 8 inch baking pan 8寸中空烤盘 Bake at 190°C for 18-20 minutes 摄氏190 烘烤 18-20 分钟 SUBSCRIBE my channel for more videos: Visit my BLOG at: FOLLOW me on Facebook:
