Red Bean Bread | 红豆沙手撕面包

Red Bean Bread 红豆沙手撕面包

How to make a bread that as beautiful as a cake with bread maker? Follow my easy recipe and simple steps, you can also make a soft and fluffy delicious bread at home. A bread that can be share together with your family and friends, it also can be a gift. With plenty of red bean filling inside, this bread is crunchy at the outside and soft at the inside. Must try! 如何用面包机做出像蛋糕一样漂亮的面包?简单的食谱,简单的步骤,在家就可以做出好吃又好看的面包。一个可以和家人朋友一起享用的好吃面包,一个漂亮到可以当礼物送人的面包。一层层的红豆沙馅,一丝丝的软软面包,外酥内软,一定要尝试这款一出炉就秒杀的手撕面包哦!

【Bread Maker Recipe | 面包机食谱】
Doug 面团 Egg 鸡蛋 45g Cold Water 冷水 (~5°C) 100g High Protein Flour 高筋面粉 230g Butter 奶油 23g Sugar 糖 23g Salt 盐 2.3g (~1/2 tsp) Instant Yeast 即溶酵母 2.3g (~3/4 tsp) Filling 馅料 Butter 奶油 Red Bean Paste 红豆沙 150g Topping 配料 White Sesame 白芝麻 7 inch baking pan 7寸烤盘 Bake at 200°C for 20-22 minutes 摄氏200 烘烤 20-22 分钟 SUBSCRIBE my channel for more videos: Visit my BLOG at: FOLLOW me on Facebook:
